Tim Banks is the CEO of APM, a Canada wide construction and property development company, with its head office in Charlottetown, PEI. My family has lived on PEI for over eight generations and I was born at the Prince County Hospital in Summerside, PEI. I am hoping someone will soon develop a blood test to authenticate when you actually become an "Islander" as I am still having problems explaining where I'm from?
I can't help but think when I read this article in the Guardian that the parade committee have been hanging around with the City too long and they want to enforce a bunch of "rules". My favourite part of the parade is the marching band that wear all the funny shirts and hats and don't really have any formation and the next thing you know they will have a rules committee who'll want to boot this band out because they don't conform to "band standards". A parade is about fun, not about rules, that's why we take a day off - to get a break from the rules.
Hallow's Eve was an Atlanta, Georgia power metal band which was formed in 1983 by Tommy Stewart and Stacy Anderson. The band had a following within the under ground scene, one only enlarged with the appearance of their song Metal Merchants on Metal Blade's Metal Massacre IV album. Follow the link below to "There Are No Rules" by Hollow's Eve and there is also a link for a ringtone to use on parade day.
Say It With Music selected as theme for 2008 Gold Cup Parade in Charlottetown DOUG GALLANT The Guardian
Summer does not officially begin until June 21 but if you plan to enter a float in this year's Gold Cup Parade the chair of the parade would like you to start thinking about it now. Bill Chandler said Tuesday it's never too early to start thinking about the float you want to create and how to create it. He said they've already had a number of inquiries. "We had our first inquiry just after New Year's and averaged one or two inquiries a week right through January and February," Chandler said. We expect the floodgates to really open up any day now" The biggest parade in Atlantic Canada goes Friday, Aug. 15, and the theme of this year's parade is Say It With Music, which Chandler believes will open the door to all manner of creative expression. "Take a song like Old MacDonald Had A Farm, you could take the lyrics of a song like that and build a float around them. You could take a musical instrument and build a float around that instrument. You could take a style of music like swing and build a float around that style of music. You can have a lot of fun with this theme. "Chandler urges those planning to enter a float to discuss their ideas with parade co-ordinator Nicolle Bradley as soon as possible. "Nicolle can discuss your ideas with you," Chandler said. "She can also tell you if somebody else has already contacted our office with the same idea you have." Rules for floats can also be discussed. And there are rules. One, for example, specifies that a float must in fact be a float. "You can't simply take a service vehicle with your logo on the side, put a couple of balloons on it and call it a float, that's not allowed."